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Join us in person on November 28th for ULI x &Co's presentation "Achieving Net Zero: Definition, Benefits, Market Drivers, and Return on Investment," where Net Zero will be explored in detail, including topics on energy efficiency, renewable energy integration, embodied carbon reduction, and fuel source considerations. Key learning objectives include understanding Net Zero certification standards, financial considerations and strategies to overcome common barriers. Through project examples and experiences providing insights from industry experts, attendees will gain practical knowledge to effectively pursue and achieve Net Zero goals.
Section 1: Understanding Net Zero & Pathways - Presented by Iain MacFadyen (Principal, RGS Consultants) and Jolene McLaughlin (Vice President, Climate & Sustainability, EllisDon)
Section 2: Net Zero and ROI - Project Examples and Financial Opportunities
- Hidden Sustainability Solutions - Presented by Morgan McDonald (Director Corporate Sustainability, Ledcor), Alan Bushby (Senior Manager, Design, PCI Developments), and Chris Kasianchuk (VP Sustainability and Managing Broker, Warrington PCI Management)
- Towards Net Zero: Successes and Struggles - Presented by Nathan Shuttleworth (Director Development, Third Space Properties)
- Net Zero: A Financial Institution's Perspective and A Changing Industry - Presented by Bill Cunningham (VP Community Business & Real Estate, Vancity) and Michaela Neuberger (Executive Director, Affine Climate Solutions)
Section 3: Panel Discussion with the Presenters
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