ULI BC: The Future of Granville Street - A Revitalization and Preservation of Character


2023-03-28T12:00:00 - 2023-03-28T13:00:00

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    The new Vancouver municipal council has a vision for Granville Street; a downtown destination that was once the city’s premiere high street, entry to the downtown, and Vancouver’s primary entertainment district. Granville Street has seen a rise in vacant storefronts, safety and public disorder concerns, and an overall lack of cleanliness and excitement. Speakers will address the downtown area with ideas and concepts on revitalization to make it exciting, welcoming, safe, and the premiere downtown destination that it once was, and could be again, further enhanced, while still preserving its valued historic features.


    Kerry Bonnis

    Bonnis Properties

    Over 40 years experience in real estate – developing commercial and residential property with a primary focus on retail. Focus for almost a quarter of a century on Granville St development – including development of the multi-level retail building at 798 Granville at Robson St – and ownership of the Commodore.

    Royce Chwin

    President and CEO, Destination Vancouver

    With over 30 years of experience in the retail, hospitality and tourism sectors, Royce has focused the last 15 years of his career in senior leadership roles at the national, provincial, and now civic level of destination management organizations. After spending 10 years at Travel Alberta, Royce relocated back to his hometown Vancouver to take on the role of President, and CEO of the now transformed Destination Vancouver in July of 2020. While at Travel Alberta Royce oversaw the development and launch of the award winning (remember to breathe) destination brand that resulted in increased awareness and visitation for Alberta. While at the Canadian Tourism Commission, Royce was part of the team that brought the Canada brand to life for millions of viewers and attendees of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics helping to put Vancouver and Canada on the global tourism bucket list. Before that Royce developed extensive experience working in corporate, franchise and a start-up business in operations, sales, and marketing in various leadership roles. Royce volunteers on Destination British Columbia’s Tourism Marketing Committee, Expedia Media Select Advisory Board, Business Improvement Association Downtown Vancouver Board Member, and the SAIT Dean’s Hospitality and Tourism Council.

    Lorraine Lowe

    Executive Director, Vancouver Chinese Garden

    Lorraine Lowe is the Executive Director of Dr. Sun Vat­ SenClassical Chinese Garden. Born and raised in South Vancouver, Lorraine is an experienced professional with a passion for arts & culture, community engagement, tourism and the revitalization of Chinatown. With a professional background ranging from film production, finance, social services, tourism, arts & culture, her diverse lived experience inspired her to advocate for more vibrancy, innovation and intercultural and intergenerational placemaking for our city.Lorraine currently sits on the board of directors for the Chinese Community Policing Centre,The Canadian International Dragon BoatFestival Society and as an advisor on several city-appointed working committee groups.

    Karm Sumal

    President, Daily Hive

    Karm Sumal is a Canadian entrepreneur and the President of Daily Hive, one of Canada's largest digital media companies. Sumal co-founded Daily Hive in 2008 as a hyper-local blog covering Vancouver news and events, and has since expanded the platform to cover news and lifestyle topics across multiple Canadian cities and regions, reaching 10 million monthly visitors and over 300,000 million media views a month.